
DESOI Spiral Anchor Mortar

  • Resistant to shrinkage
  • High sulphate resistant
  • Special additives grant a high adhesion
  • For inside and outside use
  • Easily workable
Technical data
Product base cement
Colour red brown
Grain size 0 - 0.5 mm
Mixing water about 2.25 l/15 kg bucket
Consumption about 1.8 - 2 kg running meter
Compressive strength (DIN 1164) after 1 day < 19 N/mm²
after 3 days < 35 N/mm²
after 7 days < 44 N/mm²
after 28 days < 51 N/mm²
Working time about 60 minutes (20° C)
Product description
DESOI spiral anchor mortar is used to create a force-fit connection between the spiral anchors and the masonry types. The original masonry mortar should be analysed for any salts or gypsum/anhydrite components that may be harmful to the building. DESOI spiral anchor mortar is not suitable for masonry containing gypsum. Another use of the spiral anchor mortar is the subsequent anchoring of facing brickwork shells and natural stone cladding to the load-bearing shell. (Connection of non-load-bearing masonry shells to the load-bearing masonry with spiral anchors!) The spiral anchor mortar can also be used to secure and stabilise masonry elements.
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